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Kacy Fogden Trainer

Kacy Fogden Profile

Kacy Fogden is a horse trainer based in Biddaddaba. Kacy Fogden has a win strike rate of 15% and a career ROI of -16.

Kacy Fogden Last 12 Months Racing Form

Kacy Fogden last 12 months's career form is Starts, wins, seconds, thirds.

Kacy Fogden has average win odds of 8 and an ROI of 650% over the last 12 months.

Kacy Fogden Current Season Racing Form

Kacy Fogden current season form is Starts, wins, seconds, thirds.

Kacy Fogden has average win odds of 4.11 and an ROI of -46% over the current season.

Kacy Fogden's overall Stats: Trainer Racing History

Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Win % Place % Avg Win Odds ROI
Last 12 Months % % 7.50 650
Current Season % % 4.11 -46

Kacy Fogden's Results: Trainer Racing History

Here is a list of tracks where Kacy Fogden has raced in the past 12 months and the current season. The list shows performance by Kacy Fogden across all tracks.

Past 12 months

Track Starts 1st 2nd 3rd W% P% Avg Win Odds ROI
Ballina 3 - 1 - - 33% $2.20 -100%
Beaudesert 1 1 - - 100% 100% $7.50 650%
Casino 2 1 - - 50% 50% $1.60 -20%
Caulfield 1 - - - - - - -100%
Clifton 1 1 - - 100% 100% $5.00 400%
Coffs Harbour 3 - - - - - - -100%
Doomben 1 - 1 - - 100% $2.25 -100%
Eagle Farm 3 - - - - - $5.00 -100%
Flemington 2 - - - - - - -100%
Gatton 1 - 1 - - 100% $2.25 -100%
Gold Coast 1 - - - - - $2.20 -100%
Gold Coast Poly 4 - - 1 - 25% $4.60 -100%
Grafton 3 - 1 - - 33% $6.50 -100%
Ipswich 1 - - - - - $2.15 -100%
Kembla Grange 3 - - - - - - -100%
Kilcoy 1 - - - - - - -100%
Lismore 3 - - 1 - 33% $4.00 -100%
Moonee Valley 1 - - 1 - 100% - -100%
Murwillumbah 1 - - 1 - 100% $8.00 -100%
Newcastle 1 - - - - - $5.50 -100%
Randwick 1 - 1 - - 100% $3.40 -100%
Rockhampton 2 - - - - - $7.00 -100%
Rosehill 1 - 1 - - 100% $6.00 -100%
Sunshine Coast 7 1 1 - 14% 29% $2.30 -67%
Sunshine Coast Poly 1 - - - - - $2.50 -100%
Toowoomba 2 - - 1 - 50% $3.00 -100%
Warwick 2 1 1 - 50% 100% $21.00 950%
Warwick Farm 2 - - - - - - -100%

This season

Track Starts 1st 2nd 3rd W% P% Avg Win Odds ROI
Caulfield 1 - - - - - - -100%
Clifton 1 1 - - 100% 100% $5.00 400%
Flemington 2 - - - - - - -100%
Kilcoy 1 - - - - - - -100%
Rockhampton 2 - - - - - $7.00 -100%
Sunshine Coast Poly 1 - - - - - $3.28 -100%

Here is a list of the top jockeys who have ridden for Kacy Fogden along with their stats over the last 12 months and the current season.

Past 12 months

Jockey Starts 1st 2nd 3rd W% P% Avg Win Odds ROI
Ryan Maloney 3 - - - - - $6.00 -100%
R Plumb 1 - - - - - $2.25 -100%
M Hellyer 2 - 1 - - 50% $4.60 -100%
J Lloyd 1 - 1 - - 100% - -100%
R Fradd 1 - - - - - - -100%
Corey Bayliss 2 - - - - - $7.00 -100%
Luke Tarrant 1 - - - - - - -100%
Jordan Grob 1 - - - - - - -100%
Ms R Murray 1 - 1 - - 100% - -100%
M R Du Plessis 1 - - 1 - 100% $5.50 -100%
J Byrne 1 - - - - - $2.70 -100%
Carly Frater 1 - - - - - - -100%
Dale Smith 1 - - - - - - -100%
M Cahill 1 - - - - - - -100%
Ms S Thornton 1 - - 1 - 100% $21.00 -100%
A Mallyon 3 - 1 - - 33% $1.30 -100%
Alannah Fancourt 1 - - 1 - 100% $16.00 -100%
L P Rolls 1 - - - - - - -100%
Adin Thompson 1 - - - - - - -100%
N Fazackerley 1 1 - - 100% 100% $2.05 105%
Taylor Marshall 1 - - - - - - -100%
J Holder 1 - - - - - - -100%
Matthew Mc Gillivray 1 - - - - - $5.50 -100%
Matthew Palmer 1 - - - - - - -100%
Justin Huxtable 1 - - - - - - -100%
G Boss 1 - - - - - - -100%
Tommy Berry 1 - - - - - - -100%
James Orman 2 - - - - - $2.50 -100%
Anthony Allen 1 - 1 - - 100% - -100%
Jag Guthmann-Chester 9 1 1 2 11% 44% $2.30 -74%
Baylee Nothdurft 1 - - - - - - -100%
M J Walker 1 - - - - - - -100%
Alex Patis 1 - - - - - - -100%
L R Dittman 1 - - - - - - -100%
Ms T Harrison 1 - - 1 - 100% - -100%
Wendy Peel 1 - - - - - $6.00 -100%
Christian Demuro 1 - 1 - - 100% - -100%
Leslie Tilley 1 - 1 - - 100% - -100%
B N Stewart 1 - 1 - - 100% $5.50 -100%
Mr Ben Thompson 1 - - - - - $4.80 -100%
Chris Taylor 2 - - 1 - 50% $2.48 -100%
Chris Meehan 1 - - - - - - -100%
Brooke Ainsworth 1 1 - - 100% 100% $7.50 650%
Kyle Wilson-Taylor 1 - - - - - $2.35 -100%
M Bennett 2 - 1 1 - 100% $5.50 -100%
R Wiggins 1 - - - - - - -100%
Chris Caserta 1 - - - - - $2.20 -100%
L V Cassidy 1 - - - - - - -100%
Ron Stewart 1 - - - - - - -100%
Jackson Murphy 1 - - - - - - -100%
N Callow 1 - - - - - - -100%
A Spinks 1 - - - - - - -100%
Travis Wolfgram 1 - 1 - - 100% $15.00 -100%
C Waddell 1 - - - - - - -100%
Sheriden Tomlinson 1 - - - - - - -100%
B El-Issa 1 - 1 - - 100% $3.20 -100%
Jaden Lloyd 1 - - - - - $4.00 -100%
J R Collett 1 - - - - - - -100%
K Mc Evoy 2 - - - - - - -100%
Boris Thornton 1 - - - - - $4.60 -100%
L Magorrian 1 - - - - - - -100%
Tim Clark 1 - - 1 - 100% - -100%
J Grisedale 1 - - - - - - -100%
Ms C Eaton 1 1 - - 100% 100% $5.00 400%
Angela Jones 1 - - 1 - 100% $1.65 -100%
N Day 2 - 2 - - 100% $7.00 -100%
Jasper Franklin 1 - - - - - $6.50 -100%
Zac Lloyd 1 - - - - - - -100%
G Colless 1 - 1 - - 100% - -100%
S Cormack 1 - 1 - - 100% - -100%
S T Collett 1 - - - - - - -100%
N Rawiller 1 - - - - - - -100%
S Clipperton 1 - - - - - $5.50 -100%
J Parr 1 - - - - - - -100%
O P Bosson 1 - - - - - - -100%
Ms K O'Hara 1 - - - - - - -100%
Brodie Loy 1 - - - - - $3.50 -100%
Emily Lang 1 - 1 - - 100% $2.25 -100%
Jai Williams 1 - - - - - - -100%
J Bowman 1 1 - - 100% 100% $2.60 160%
A B Collett 1 - - - - - - -100%
Josh Adams 1 - - - - - - -100%
J B Mc Donald 1 - 1 - - 100% - -100%
Regan Bayliss 1 - - - - - - -100%
C Schofield 1 - - - - - - -100%
B Melham 1 - - - - - $3.40 -100%
B Prebble 1 - - - - - - -100%
Yvette Lewis 1 1 - - 100% 100% $9.00 800%
Tom Sherry 1 - - - - - - -100%
Jake Bayliss 2 - - - - - - -100%
MARTIN HARLEY 1 - - - - - - -100%

This season

Jockey Starts 1st 2nd 3rd W% P% Avg Win Odds ROI
Ryan Maloney - - - - - - $3.27 -23%
R Plumb - - - - - - $2.25 13%
M Hellyer - - - - - - $9.41 45%
J Lloyd - - - - - - - -100%
R Fradd - - - - - - - -100%
Corey Bayliss - - - - - - $7.17 -20%
Luke Tarrant - - - - - - - -100%
Jordan Grob - - - - - - - -100%
Ms R Murray - - - - - - - -100%
M R Du Plessis - - - - - - $4.75 -100%
J Byrne - - - - - - $2.48 -67%
Carly Frater - - - - - - - -100%
Dale Smith - - - - - - - -100%
M Cahill - - - - - - - -100%
Ms S Thornton - - - - - - $21.00 600%
A Mallyon - - - - - - $1.30 -86%
Alannah Fancourt - - - - - - $16.00 -100%
L P Rolls - - - - - - - -100%
Adin Thompson - - - - - - - -100%
N Fazackerley - - - - - - $2.05 105%
Taylor Marshall 1 - - - - - - -100%
J Holder - - - - - - - -100%
Matthew Mc Gillivray - - - - - - $5.50 22%
Matthew Palmer - - - - - - - -100%
Justin Huxtable - - - - - - - -100%
G Boss - - - - - - - -100%
Tommy Berry - - - - - - - -100%
James Orman 1 - - - - - $2.50 -100%
Anthony Allen - - - - - - - -100%
Jag Guthmann-Chester - - - - - - $3.27 -40%
Baylee Nothdurft - - - - - - - -100%
M J Walker - - - - - - - -100%
Alex Patis - - - - - - - -100%
L R Dittman - - - - - - - -100%
Ms T Harrison - - - - - - - -100%
Wendy Peel - - - - - - $6.00 100%
Christian Demuro - - - - - - - -
Leslie Tilley - - - - - - - -100%
B N Stewart - - - - - - $5.50 -100%
Mr Ben Thompson - - - - - - $4.75 -
Chris Taylor - - - - - - $2.52 -46%
Chris Meehan - - - - - - - -100%
Brooke Ainsworth 1 1 - - 100% 100% $7.50 650%
Kyle Wilson-Taylor - - - - - - $4.85 -100%
M Bennett 2 - 1 1 - 100% $5.50 -100%
R Wiggins - - - - - - - -100%
Chris Caserta - - - - - - $2.20 -76%
L V Cassidy - - - - - - - -100%
Ron Stewart - - - - - - - -100%
Jackson Murphy - - - - - - - -100%
N Callow - - - - - - - -100%
A Spinks - - - - - - - -100%
Travis Wolfgram - - - - - - $15.00 150%
C Waddell 1 - - - - - - -100%
Sheriden Tomlinson - - - - - - - -100%
B El-Issa - - - - - - $3.20 -100%
Jaden Lloyd - - - - - - $4.00 33%
J R Collett - - - - - - - -100%
K Mc Evoy - - - - - - - -100%
Boris Thornton 1 - - - - - $4.60 -100%
L Magorrian - - - - - - - -
Tim Clark - - - - - - - -100%
J Grisedale - - - - - - - -100%
Ms C Eaton - - - - - - $5.00 400%
Angela Jones - - - - - - $4.24 -100%
N Day - - - - - - $7.00 133%
Jasper Franklin - - - - - - $6.50 8%
Zac Lloyd - - - - - - - -100%
G Colless - - - - - - - -100%
S Cormack - - - - - - - -100%
S T Collett - - - - - - - -100%
N Rawiller - - - - - - - -100%
S Clipperton - - - - - - $6.34 -100%
J Parr - - - - - - - -100%
O P Bosson - - - - - - - -100%
Ms K O'Hara - - - - - - - -100%
Brodie Loy - - - - - - $3.50 -13%
Emily Lang - - - - - - $2.25 -55%
Jai Williams - - - - - - - -100%
J Bowman - - - - - - $2.60 160%
A B Collett - - - - - - - -100%
Josh Adams 1 - - - - - - -100%
J B Mc Donald - - - - - - - -100%
Regan Bayliss - - - - - - - -100%
C Schofield - - - - - - - -100%
B Melham - - - - - - $3.40 70%
B Prebble - - - - - - - -100%
Yvette Lewis - - - - - - $9.00 350%
Tom Sherry - - - - - - - -100%
Jake Bayliss 2 - - - - - - -100%
MARTIN HARLEY 1 - - - - - - -100%

Here is a list of the next races and the most recent results for Kacy Fogden

July 2023

  • Smooth Torque Last Race: 09 July 2023, Sunshine Coast R1

    5yoaM (Bay or Brown) Sebring x Live To Dream

    CAREER 21 3-2-3

    EARNING $92,985

    WIN 14

    PLACE 38

  • Due Diligence Last Race: 08 July 2023, Beaudesert R2

    5yoaG (Bay or Brown) Duporth x Snitzcher

    CAREER 13 2-2-4

    EARNING $54,625

    WIN 15

    PLACE 62

  • Boom Torque Last Race: 05 July 2023, Eagle Farm R3

    5yoaG (Bay) Spirit Of Boom x Outback Saga

    CAREER 19 7-1-5

    EARNING $948,000

    WIN 37

    PLACE 68

June 2023

  • Smooth Torque Last Race: 28 June 2023, Eagle Farm R6

    5yoaM (Bay or Brown) Sebring x Live To Dream

    CAREER 21 3-2-3

    EARNING $92,985

    WIN 14

    PLACE 38

  • Rigel Star Last Race: 28 June 2023, Eagle Farm R5

    7yoaG (Bay or Brown) Zoustar x Two Blue

    CAREER 30 5-2-6

    EARNING $148,350

    WIN 17

    PLACE 43

  • Smooth Torque Last Race: 28 June 2023, Eagle Farm R3

    5yoaM (Bay or Brown) Sebring x Live To Dream

    CAREER 21 3-2-3

    EARNING $92,985

    WIN 14

    PLACE 38

  • Rigel Star Last Race: 24 June 2023, Gatton R5

    7yoaG (Bay or Brown) Zoustar x Two Blue

    CAREER 30 5-2-6

    EARNING $148,350

    WIN 17

    PLACE 43

  • Boom Torque Last Race: 21 June 2023, Doomben R4

    5yoaG (Bay) Spirit Of Boom x Outback Saga

    CAREER 19 7-1-5

    EARNING $948,000

    WIN 37

    PLACE 68

  • Due Diligence Last Race: 20 June 2023, Lismore R4

    5yoaG (Bay or Brown) Duporth x Snitzcher

    CAREER 13 2-2-4

    EARNING $54,625

    WIN 15

    PLACE 62

  • Street Fighter Last Race: 20 June 2023, Lismore R3

    6yoaG (Brown) Pierro x Snippet Street

    CAREER 19 1-1-0

    EARNING $27,900

    WIN 5

    PLACE 11

  • Propelle Last Race: 18 June 2023, Sunshine Coast R8

    8yoaM (Bay) Smart Missile x Elite Elle

    CAREER 37 5-6-5

    EARNING $385,575

    WIN 14

    PLACE 43

  • Boom Torque Last Race: 16 June 2023, Sunshine Coast R2

    5yoaG (Bay) Spirit Of Boom x Outback Saga

    CAREER 19 7-1-5

    EARNING $948,000

    WIN 37

    PLACE 68

  • Smooth Torque Last Race: 11 June 2023, Sunshine Coast R3

    5yoaM (Bay or Brown) Sebring x Live To Dream

    CAREER 21 3-2-3

    EARNING $92,985

    WIN 14

    PLACE 38

  • Boom Torque Last Race: 11 June 2023, Sunshine Coast R2

    5yoaG (Bay) Spirit Of Boom x Outback Saga

    CAREER 19 7-1-5

    EARNING $948,000

    WIN 37

    PLACE 68

  • Miss Bombshell Last Race: 10 June 2023, Gold Coast Poly R2

    5yoaM (Bay) Russian Revolution x In The Vanguard

    CAREER 5 0-0-0

    EARNING $1,950

    WIN 0

    PLACE 0

  • Metzarro Last Race: 03 June 2023, Gold Coast Poly R7

    5yoaM (Brown) Pierro x Metza

    CAREER 19 3-2-3

    EARNING $70,415

    WIN 16

    PLACE 42

  • Street Fighter Last Race: 03 June 2023, Gold Coast Poly R7

    6yoaG (Brown) Pierro x Snippet Street

    CAREER 19 1-1-0

    EARNING $27,900

    WIN 5

    PLACE 11

  • Due Diligence Last Race: 03 June 2023, Gold Coast Poly R1

    5yoaG (Bay or Brown) Duporth x Snitzcher

    CAREER 13 2-2-4

    EARNING $54,625

    WIN 15

    PLACE 62

  • Propelle Last Race: 01 June 2023, Gatton R7

    8yoaM (Bay) Smart Missile x Elite Elle

    CAREER 37 5-6-5

    EARNING $385,575

    WIN 14

    PLACE 43

May 2023

  • Smooth Torque Last Race: 28 May 2023, Sunshine Coast R4

    5yoaM (Bay or Brown) Sebring x Live To Dream

    CAREER 21 3-2-3

    EARNING $92,985

    WIN 14

    PLACE 38

Kacy Fogden News

Last Updated: 08/07/2023

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Kacy Fogden Next Race

  • Kacy Fogden has not been nominated for any upcoming race

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