54.27% Profit this Year
12 Months - January to December 2023
Now you can get winners like this too!
Dear Fellow Punter,
A dedicated group of racing analysts have been developing and refining the HIGH FLYER horse racing handicapping and selection approach over the last many months, and we have witnessed its success.
And we’re getting ready to do it again! And we want you to join us.
Can I say for certain that the HIGH FLYER horse racing handicapping and selection approach is the perfect solution for you? I can’t.
What I can say is that you have a perfect opportunity to learn more and – if you choose – view the HIGH FLYER rules to see if this approach fits with your game plan.
Personally, I’m convinced that the HIGH FLYER Co-founders, are uniquely qualified to help individual punters like you win at racing, with complete transparency.
Here’s the scoop . . .
The betting method at the center of this punting movement is called the ‘HIGH FLYER’.
To tell this story properly I have to go back over 12 months, when the co-founders of this approach, two of our top racing analysts, began sharing with the office an unusual betting approach.
Finally ... after witnessing it's capabilities, Practical Punting said yes. Then the two co-founders made a surprising request. One that befuddled many of our senior staff...
They asked to be paid nothing for its copyright.
Instead they wanted the basis of the rules behind HIGH FLYER to be released to our general readers. They wanted to stake their position in the industry and they were prepared to draw the line in the sand, for all to see.
What does this have to do with you? After all, the HIGH FLYER rules have been released and you have access to them ... right?
Let me tell you the most troubling problem about the HIGH FLYER Horse racing handicapping and selection approach.
This is where we put our flag in the ground! We must declare the big problem behind this successful punting approach, HIGH FLYERS.
The nasty catch is that the HIGH FLYER horse racing handicapping and selection approach can take its devotees hours of hard work to stay on top of the form and everything that’s happening in the market. It can be a mammoth task to apply the rules, to put it into practice on ones own.
I am sorry, but that’s just not feasible if you’re anything like me ...
Because most of your time gets eaten up with work, driving all over the place for kid’s sport, mowing the lawn, cleaning the gutters. After a long week of work and a pile of household jobs to get through on the weekend, it’s hard to find the time to research the form, and do it properly, like a true expert.
Now here’s the good news . . .
Well, now there is a way you can reap the benefits, get advance notice of Saturday’s HIGH FLYER 'crunch horses' by barely lifting a finger.
It is called the HIGH FLYER selection service. This unique punting advisory service has been set up by us to help individual punters just like you save time and help you win at racing.
Now you can join us and secure your immediate punting action over spring, and for the next 12 months, for one of our lowest subscription rates ever.
Starting today, a subscription to the HIGH FLYER member’s selection service is less than $3 a week.
That’s small potatoes considering the amount of time you will save and the possible money you could make from backing their recommendations.
54.27% Profit
Over 12 Months - January to December 2023
Imagine backing winners that generate profits like that.
And the best part is you can rest at night knowing the HIGH FLYER team is doing the hard form analysis work for you.
Our two fanatically competitive analysts follow the form for every race at every major metropolitan Saturday meeting - sending you their final recommendations. So you know exactly where and what to zero in on.
Have a look at the HIGH FLYER winning results, below we list the results for the HIGH FLEYR Action and Special bets this year, since January 2023 to December 2023.

This isn’t get-rich-quick hyperbole.
Before you join, we want you to discover the rules yourself – to see what it is about … so that you can decide if the HIGH FLYER handicapping approach is for you.
To explain it simply:
HIGH FLYER starts off with a points-rating method of determining contenders in chosen races. It works because it is based on fundamental form principles – plus much common sense.
It is based on key factors that have stood the test of time:
The rules take in to account recent form, fitness and many other vital factors of each horse’s past performances. Basically, it is a mechanical type system aimed at producing the crunch horses in each selected race.
Winners, then, cannot be found on one factor alone. Every factor is relative to other factors.
Using the HIGH FLYER rules and the finely tuned analytical ability of our racing analysts we will sort out which of the runners in a race are what we call the “common sense” runners, the horses that have done what it takes to indicate they are going to be right there fighting out the finish.
It is set out in a way that allows the user to track down the key prospects. The top selection will not always win (surprise, surprise!) but I think you can be rest assured, after reading through the rules to the HIGH FLYER handicapping approach, that the horse has the past form to expect it to be there to put its nose down.
The reason is simple enough – according to the HIGH FLYER rules, they will be the most formful runners in a race, the ones that have shown they can measure up.
It is a most powerful formula.
But as we said earlier and we must warn you of this again – it does take a bit of working out – more than just a bit …
For HIGH FLYER to give you its all, it needs to be applied by those that have both the time and the analytical skill.
Well, now two men have solved this problem. Now you can get the expert advice and utilise HIGH FLYER brilliance without barely lifting a finger.
Unlimited access to the exclusive HIGH FLYER member’s service, where we will uncover the gems for you, providing you with the HIGH FLYER selections.
Put Up or Shut Up
You have heard the old adage put to grandiose boasts – ‘Put up or shut up’. Well we are now going to do just that and give you a unrestricted viewing … to disclose to you now the rule to the HIGH FLYER method.
The HIGH FLYER Horse Racing Handicapping and Selection Rules:
The system can be applied to any meeting, anywhere, any day though the main focus should be metropolitan meetings on Saturdays (and midweek if needed)
(a) Operate on the better class races – we suggest from BM80 through to Grp 1 weight for age.
(b) The only runners to be considered are the top 2 in the early betting market (if 2 or more horses on the same line then include all).
(c) If the horses listed in (b) do not contain runners with TAB 1 or TAB 2 then ensure that you include such runners (the basis for this is that these saddlecloth numbers are the most successful).
(d) Apply the following rules:
Last start 10 days or less….32 points
Last start 11 to 15 days…10 points
Last start 16 to 30 days…5 points
Won last race by 3 lengths or more…33 points
Won last race by less than 3 lengths…23 points
Finished 2nd or 3rd last start…18 points
Beaten one length or less…23 points
Beaten 2 lengths or less…12 points
Beaten 3 lengths or less…10 points
Carrying same weight as last start…30 points
Carrying less weight than last start…44 points
Carrying more weight than last start…30 points
Winner over today’s distance…10 points for each win (but no more to be allotted than 30 points)
Winner at today’s track…10 points for each win (but no more to be allotted than 30 points)
Win percentage of 20% or more…20 points
Place percentage of 40% or more…25 points
After the allotment of points, the horse with the highest amount is the horse we then focus upon.
The Final Rule - Sting in the Tail
We have agreed with the HIGH FLYER co-founders not to release their final rule, their sting in the tail - which, they believe, zeros in on the highly dependable 'crunch horses'. This will be released to the HIGH FLYER members when they join.
Even a novice punter can read these rules and understand the fundamental brilliance of this formula.
But in doing so you will now also understand the massive ‘caveat’ … the essential problem … that tails the brilliance of HIGH FLYER.
That is, its application is a mammoth task.
This is where the HIGH FLYER handicapping and selection service provides the ultimate solution – we do all the work for you.
You’ve been carefully selected from Practical Punting’s wider community … as I believe members like you will have an interest in this unique opportunity.
What You Get . . .
Let’s go over what you will get:
Fully Researched Rules and Results
When you join HIGH FLYER you’ll receive the fully research rules and results over the research period.
Exclusive 12 month access to the HIGH FLYER online selection member’s area.
Yes a dedicated private online tipping area for HIGH FLYER members, where the HIGH FLYER horse racing handicapping and selection approach will be applied to Saturday Australian Metro meetings – and then posts them in the HIGH FLYER MEMBERS AREA with our racing analysts doing all the hard work of selecting for you.
In addition, you can have the HIGH FLYER selections emailed to you.
The HIGH FLYER selection service will not be generally advertised – and will be subject to strict membership quotas to protect dividends. As a valued Practical Punting member you are invited to join now – before quota limits are reached.
Please hurry. It’s going to be hard to offer so much… for so little… for very long.
Most important, I urge you to click the “Join Now” button because there will never be a better or easier time to position yourself for the opportunities ahead.
All for less than $3.00 a week – one of our lowest subscription rates, for such a great service, ever.