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Georgina Bourke Trainer

Georgina Bourke Profile

Georgina Bourke is a horse trainer based in Nome. Georgina Bourke has a win strike rate of 14% and a career ROI of -27.

Georgina Bourke Last 12 Months Racing Form

Georgina Bourke last 12 months's career form is 236 Starts, 40 wins, 36 seconds, 39 thirds.

Georgina Bourke has average win odds of 4 and an ROI of -34% over the last 12 months.

Georgina Bourke Current Season Racing Form

Georgina Bourke current season form is 139 Starts, 20 wins, 21 seconds, 24 thirds.

Georgina Bourke has average win odds of 3.21 and an ROI of -54% over the current season.

Georgina Bourke's overall Stats: Trainer Racing History

Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Win % Place % Avg Win Odds ROI
Last 12 Months 236 40 36 39 17% 49% 3.87 -34
Current Season 139 20 21 24 14% 47% 3.21 -54

Georgina Bourke's Results: Trainer Racing History

Here is a list of tracks where Georgina Bourke has raced in the past 12 months and the current season. The list shows performance by Georgina Bourke across all tracks.

Past 12 months

Track Starts 1st 2nd 3rd W% P% Avg Win Odds ROI
Atherton 2 - 1 - - 50% - -100%
Bowen 6 2 - - 33% 33% $4.00 33%
Cairns 23 4 3 2 17% 39% $1.99 -65%
Charters Towers 1 - 1 - - 100% $3.10 -100%
Doomben 2 - - - - - - -100%
Eagle Farm 2 - - - - - - -100%
Ewan 8 1 3 - 13% 50% $3.00 -63%
Gold Coast 1 - - - - - - -100%
Gordonvale 1 - 1 - - 100% $5.00 -100%
Home Hill 16 2 2 2 13% 38% $1.80 -78%
Ingham 4 - 1 1 - 50% - -100%
Innisfail 4 1 1 - 25% 50% $3.00 -25%
Mackay 33 1 2 11 3% 42% $2.40 -93%
Mareeba 3 1 - - 33% 33% $2.30 -23%
Mt Garnet 2 1 - - 50% 50% $3.00 50%
Oak Park 2 - 1 - - 50% - -100%
Pentland 3 1 1 - 33% 67% $2.50 -17%
Rockhampton 4 - - 2 - 50% $9.00 -100%
Sunshine Coast 1 - - 1 - 100% - -100%
Townsville 145 29 27 23 20% 54% $4.34 -13%

This season

Track Starts 1st 2nd 3rd W% P% Avg Win Odds ROI
Atherton 2 - 1 - - 50% - -100%
Bowen 3 2 - - 67% 67% $4.00 167%
Cairns 15 2 1 1 13% 27% $2.20 -71%
Doomben 1 - - - - - - -100%
Ewan 3 1 1 - 33% 67% $3.00 -
Gold Coast 1 - - - - - - -100%
Gordonvale 1 - 1 - - 100% $5.00 -100%
Home Hill 10 2 1 2 20% 50% $1.80 -64%
Ingham 4 - 1 1 - 50% - -100%
Innisfail 4 1 1 - 25% 50% $3.00 -25%
Mackay 26 - 2 8 - 38% $2.40 -100%
Mareeba 3 1 - - 33% 33% $2.30 -23%
Oak Park 2 - 1 - - 50% - -100%
Pentland 3 1 1 - 33% 67% $2.50 -17%
Rockhampton 1 - - 1 - 100% $9.00 -100%
Sunshine Coast 1 - - 1 - 100% - -100%
Townsville 73 12 14 11 16% 51% $3.52 -42%

Here is a list of the top jockeys who have ridden for Georgina Bourke along with their stats over the last 12 months and the current season.

Past 12 months

Jockey Starts 1st 2nd 3rd W% P% Avg Win Odds ROI
D Simmons 1 - - - - - $5.00 -100%
D J Evans 1 - - - - - - -100%
A Coome 1 - 1 - - 100% - -100%
Ms B Thomson 2 - - - - - $2.90 -100%
Ashley Butler 49 14 10 6 29% 61% $2.15 -39%
Zoe White 1 - 1 - - 100% $14.00 -100%
F Edwards 1 - - - - - $3.10 -100%
J Woodhouse 2 - - 1 - 50% - -100%
Leslie Tilley 5 - - - - - $8.00 -100%
L V Cassidy 1 - - 1 - 100% - -100%
S Galloway 2 1 - - 50% 50% $13.00 550%
G D Kliese 1 - - - - - $2.60 -100%
S Wilson 1 - - - - - - -100%
N Day 1 - - - - - $1.55 -100%
P Cullen 1 - - - - - - -100%
Q Krogh 3 - 2 - - 67% - -100%
Ms C Jokic 3 - - - - - $7.00 -100%
A Holt 9 - - 1 - 11% $5.20 -100%
S Sheargold 17 3 1 1 18% 29% $3.57 -37%
Rhiannon Payne 1 - - - - - - -100%
Boris Thornton 1 - - - - - - -100%
Justin P Stanley 7 - 1 1 - 29% $4.00 -100%
Braydn Swaffer 1 - - - - - - -100%
B Pengelly 1 - - - - - - -100%
Daniel Edmonds 1 - - - - - - -100%
Adam Spinks 1 - - - - - $4.80 -100%
R Mc Mahon 2 - - - - - $6.00 -100%
C Whiteley 1 - - 1 - 100% $3.00 -100%
Adin Thompson 1 - - - - - - -100%
D Hayse 1 - - - - - - -100%
W D'Avila 1 - - - - - - -100%
R Wiggins 29 8 4 8 28% 69% $4.81 33%
Elyce Smith 1 - - - - - - -100%
P Romeo 1 - - - - - $8.00 -100%
N Callow 1 - - - - - - -100%
N Thomas 5 - 3 - - 60% - -100%
M Elliott 1 - - - - - - -100%
Adam Sewell 3 - - 2 - 67% $12.00 -100%
L Dillon 1 - - - - - - -100%
J Felix 1 - 1 - - 100% - -100%
Krysten Swaffer 2 1 - - 50% 50% $2.20 10%
C Spry 1 - - 1 - 100% $7.00 -100%
Beau Appo 2 - - - - - - -100%
Marnu Potgieter 1 - - - - - - -100%
Ms S Wiseman 2 1 - - 50% 50% $4.80 140%
Kate Southam 1 - - - - - - -100%
Emily Cass 1 - - - - - - -100%
Jaden Lloyd 3 - 1 - - 33% - -100%
Montana Philpot 2 - - - - - - -100%
Denicious Smith 5 - 2 1 - 60% - -100%
Emma Bell 1 - - 1 - 100% - -100%
B El-Issa 1 - - - - - - -100%
Matthew Mc Gillivray 1 - - - - - - -100%
Cody Collis 2 1 - - 50% 50% $5.00 150%
M Haley 1 - - - - - - -100%
Zac Lloyd 1 - - - - - - -100%
Angela Jones 1 - - - - - - -100%
Alisha Mc Donell 1 - - - - - - -100%
J Lyon 1 - - - - - $5.00 -100%
Melea Castle 2 - - 1 - 50% - -100%
Jenna Edwards 1 - - - - - $2.50 -100%
M Abe 1 - - 1 - 100% - -100%
Ms L Morrison 36 9 6 8 25% 64% $3.41 -15%
S Pawsey 1 - - - - - - -100%
Rachel Shred 1 - - - - - - -100%
James Orman 1 - - - - - - -100%
Zac Sprie 1 - - - - - - -100%
Ms K Lenton 1 1 - - 100% 100% $4.00 300%
Ms S Lacy 1 - - - - - - -100%
A Layt 9 1 1 2 11% 44% $6.50 -28%
Luke Tarrant 1 - - - - - - -100%
Isabella Teh 1 1 - - 100% 100% $3.20 220%
Tahlia Fenlon 1 - - - - - - -100%
Brooke Johnson 1 - - - - - - -100%
Jackson Murphy 38 6 3 6 16% 39% $6.69 6%
J L Taylor 2 - 1 - - 50% - -100%
Emily Lang 2 - - - - - - -100%
Ms N Summers 1 - - - - - - -100%
Kiran Quilty 4 - 1 - - 25% $5.00 -100%
W G Satherley 3 - 1 1 - 67% - -100%
Erin Molloy 6 - 1 1 - 33% - -100%
Gabrielle Semmens 3 1 1 - 33% 67% $1.60 -47%
Jake Molloy 2 - - - - - - -100%
Tessa Townsend 1 - - - - - $2.25 -100%
Matthew Cartwright 1 - - - - - - -100%
Nikki Olzard 1 - - - - - - -100%
Ms G Mc Donnell 5 1 - - 20% 20% $4.00 -20%
C Mc Iver 1 - - - - - - -100%
Ms A Thomson 3 1 1 - 33% 67% $4.40 47%
McKenzie Apel 9 - 2 2 - 44% $3.73 -100%
Mr Ben Thompson 1 - - - - - - -100%
S T Collett 3 - 2 1 - 100% - -100%
Ms N Beriman 1 - - - - - - -100%
Kirk Matheson 3 - - 1 - 33% - -100%
Lachlan Overall 2 - - - - - - -100%
Mitch Goring 1 - - - - - - -100%
Chloe Lowe 1 - - - - - - -100%
Rebecca Wilson 1 - - - - - - -100%
Corey Bayliss 1 - - - - - - -100%
Justin Huxtable 3 2 - - 67% 67% $4.00 167%
Ron Stewart 1 - - - - - - -100%
S Cormack 1 - - - - - - -100%
Jace McMurray 1 - 1 - - 100% - -100%
Leah Martyn 1 - - - - - - -100%
Nathan Day 2 - 1 - - 50% - -100%
R Sheargold 1 - - - - - - -100%
I Fry 1 - - - - - - -100%

This season

Jockey Starts 1st 2nd 3rd W% P% Avg Win Odds ROI
D Simmons - - - - - - $5.00 -100%
D J Evans - - - - - - - -100%
A Coome - - - - - - - -100%
Ms B Thomson 1 - - - - - $5.97 -100%
Ashley Butler 34 9 5 6 26% 59% $2.37 -37%
Zoe White - - - - - - $14.00 100%
F Edwards 1 - - - - - $3.10 -100%
J Woodhouse - - - - - - - -100%
Leslie Tilley 4 - - - - - $8.00 -100%
L V Cassidy - - - - - - - -100%
S Galloway - - - - - - $13.00 550%
G D Kliese 1 - - - - - $2.60 -100%
S Wilson - - - - - - - -100%
N Day - - - - - - $4.49 -39%
P Cullen - - - - - - - -100%
Q Krogh - - - - - - - -100%
Ms C Jokic 3 - - - - - $4.75 -100%
A Holt 9 - - 1 - 11% $9.10 -100%
S Sheargold 10 3 1 - 30% 40% $3.57 7%
Rhiannon Payne - - - - - - - -100%
Boris Thornton - - - - - - - -100%
Justin P Stanley 5 - 1 1 - 40% $4.00 -100%
Braydn Swaffer - - - - - - - -100%
B Pengelly - - - - - - - -100%
Daniel Edmonds - - - - - - - -100%
Adam Spinks - - - - - - $4.80 60%
R Mc Mahon - - - - - - $4.50 13%
C Whiteley 1 - - 1 - 100% $3.00 -100%
Adin Thompson - - - - - - - -100%
D Hayse - - - - - - - -100%
W D'Avila - - - - - - - -100%
R Wiggins 15 4 1 6 27% 73% $5.16 38%
Elyce Smith - - - - - - - -100%
P Romeo 1 - - - - - $5.30 -100%
N Callow - - - - - - - -100%
N Thomas 5 - 3 - - 60% - -100%
M Elliott - - - - - - - -100%
Adam Sewell 3 - - 2 - 67% $12.00 -100%
L Dillon 1 - - - - - - -100%
J Felix - - - - - - - -100%
Krysten Swaffer 2 1 - - 50% 50% $2.20 10%
C Spry - - - - - - $6.28 12%
Beau Appo - - - - - - - -100%
Marnu Potgieter 1 - - - - - - -100%
Ms S Wiseman - - - - - - $4.80 140%
Kate Southam - - - - - - - -100%
Emily Cass - - - - - - - -100%
Jaden Lloyd - - - - - - - -100%
Montana Philpot - - - - - - - -100%
Denicious Smith 4 - 2 1 - 75% - -100%
Emma Bell - - - - - - - -100%
B El-Issa - - - - - - - -100%
Matthew Mc Gillivray - - - - - - - -100%
Cody Collis - - - - - - $5.00 -17%
M Haley - - - - - - - -100%
Zac Lloyd - - - - - - - -100%
Angela Jones - - - - - - - -100%
Alisha Mc Donell - - - - - - - -100%
J Lyon - - - - - - $5.00 -58%
Melea Castle 2 - - 1 - 50% - -100%
Jenna Edwards 1 - - - - - $3.05 -100%
M Abe - - - - - - - -100%
Ms L Morrison 12 2 1 3 17% 50% $1.80 -70%
S Pawsey 1 - - - - - - -100%
Rachel Shred - - - - - - - -100%
James Orman 1 - - - - - - -100%
Zac Sprie 1 - - - - - - -100%
Ms K Lenton - - - - - - $3.50 -5%
Ms S Lacy - - - - - - - -100%
A Layt 1 - - 1 - 100% $6.00 -100%
Luke Tarrant - - - - - - - -100%
Isabella Teh - - - - - - $8.40 129%
Tahlia Fenlon - - - - - - - -100%
Brooke Johnson - - - - - - - -100%
Jackson Murphy 18 - 1 1 - 11% $9.20 -100%
J L Taylor 2 - 1 - - 50% - -100%
Emily Lang - - - - - - - -100%
Ms N Summers - - - - - - - -100%
Kiran Quilty 4 - 1 - - 25% $4.40 -100%
W G Satherley 2 - - 1 - 50% - -100%
Erin Molloy 6 - 1 1 - 33% - -100%
Gabrielle Semmens 1 - 1 - - 100% - -100%
Jake Molloy 2 - - - - - - -100%
Tessa Townsend - - - - - - $2.25 -92%
Matthew Cartwright 1 - - - - - - -100%
Nikki Olzard 1 - - - - - - -100%
Ms G Mc Donnell 5 1 - - 20% 20% $4.00 -20%
C Mc Iver 1 - - - - - - -100%
Ms A Thomson 3 1 1 - 33% 67% $4.40 47%
McKenzie Apel 7 - 2 2 - 57% $3.73 -100%
Mr Ben Thompson 1 - - - - - - -100%
S T Collett 3 - 2 1 - 100% - -100%
Ms N Beriman - - - - - - - -100%
Kirk Matheson 3 - - 1 - 33% - -100%
Lachlan Overall 2 - - - - - - -100%
Mitch Goring 1 - - - - - - -100%
Chloe Lowe 1 - - - - - - -100%
Rebecca Wilson 1 - - - - - - -100%
Corey Bayliss 1 - - - - - - -100%
Justin Huxtable 3 2 - - 67% 67% $4.00 167%
Ron Stewart 1 - - - - - - -100%
S Cormack 1 - - - - - - -100%
Jace McMurray 1 - 1 - - 100% - -100%
Leah Martyn 1 - - - - - - -100%
Nathan Day 2 - 1 - - 50% - -100%
R Sheargold 1 - - - - - - -100%
I Fry 1 - - - - - - -100%

Here is a list of the next races and the most recent results for Georgina Bourke

March 2025

  • Margot Barbie Last Race: 06 March 2025, Townsville R8

    3yoaF (Chestnut) Wandjina x Kala's Belle

    CAREER 21 3-5-2

    EARNING $108,150

    WIN 14

    PLACE 48

  • Decrypting Gold Last Race: 06 March 2025, Townsville R7

    4yoaG (Bay) Encryption x Aurous

    CAREER 22 3-3-5

    EARNING $77,400

    WIN 14

    PLACE 50

  • Win And Tonic Last Race: 06 March 2025, Townsville R2

    4yoaG (Black) Better Than Ready x We's Done

    CAREER 21 2-5-6

    EARNING $84,350

    WIN 10

    PLACE 62

  • Gymnosomata Last Race: 06 March 2025, Townsville R1

    2yoaF (Bay) North Pacific x Blue Angel

    CAREER 2 0-0-1

    EARNING $4,750

    WIN 0

    PLACE 50

  • Royal Prophecy Last Race: 06 March 2025, Townsville R1

    2yoaF (Bay) Divine Prophet x Royal Angel

    CAREER 5 0-1-2

    EARNING $14,100

    WIN 0

    PLACE 60

  • Cascia Last Race: 06 March 2025, Townsville R1

    2yoaF (Brown or Black) Prince Fawaz x Civita

    CAREER 5 0-2-0

    EARNING $9,150

    WIN 0

    PLACE 40

  • Margot Barbie Last Race: 01 March 2025, Home Hill R5

    3yoaF (Chestnut) Wandjina x Kala's Belle

    CAREER 21 3-5-2

    EARNING $108,150

    WIN 14

    PLACE 48

  • Hit Snooze Last Race: 01 March 2025, Home Hill R2

    8yoaM (Bay) Wicked Style x Forty Winks

    CAREER 118 13-22-15

    EARNING $336,045

    WIN 11

    PLACE 42

February 2025

  • Convertor Last Race: 27 February 2025, Townsville R7

    4yoaG (Brown or Black) Snitzel x Marielle

    CAREER 10 1-2-2

    EARNING $30,050

    WIN 10

    PLACE 50

  • Miss Seattle Last Race: 27 February 2025, Townsville R6

    6yoaM (Bay) Better Than Ready x Umajet

    CAREER 46 7-10-4

    EARNING $188,733

    WIN 15

    PLACE 46

  • Sweet Kisses Last Race: 27 February 2025, Townsville R6

    4yoaM (Bay) Better Than Ready x One More Kiss

    CAREER 15 6-2-2

    EARNING $201,600

    WIN 40

    PLACE 67

  • Mooloolaba Last Race: 27 February 2025, Townsville R6

    5yoaG (Brown) Turn Me Loose x Viticulture

    CAREER 32 5-5-3

    EARNING $108,434

    WIN 16

    PLACE 41

  • Win And Tonic Last Race: 27 February 2025, Townsville R4

    4yoaG (Black) Better Than Ready x We's Done

    CAREER 21 2-5-6

    EARNING $84,350

    WIN 10

    PLACE 62

  • Decrypting Gold Last Race: 27 February 2025, Townsville R3

    4yoaG (Bay) Encryption x Aurous

    CAREER 22 3-3-5

    EARNING $77,400

    WIN 14

    PLACE 50

  • Royal Prophecy Last Race: 27 February 2025, Townsville R1

    2yoaF (Bay) Divine Prophet x Royal Angel

    CAREER 5 0-1-2

    EARNING $14,100

    WIN 0

    PLACE 60

  • Cascia Last Race: 27 February 2025, Townsville R1

    2yoaF (Brown or Black) Prince Fawaz x Civita

    CAREER 5 0-2-0

    EARNING $9,150

    WIN 0

    PLACE 40

  • Margot Barbie Last Race: 20 February 2025, Townsville R3

    3yoaF (Chestnut) Wandjina x Kala's Belle

    CAREER 21 3-5-2

    EARNING $108,150

    WIN 14

    PLACE 48

  • Decrypting Gold Last Race: 20 February 2025, Townsville R1

    4yoaG (Bay) Encryption x Aurous

    CAREER 22 3-3-5

    EARNING $77,400

    WIN 14

    PLACE 50

  • Satisfied Mugs Last Race: 15 February 2025, Cairns R6

    2yoaC (Chestnut) Invader x Smug Satisfaction

    CAREER 4 3-0-1

    EARNING $44,600

    WIN 75

    PLACE 100

  • Decrypting Gold Last Race: 13 February 2025, Townsville R8

    4yoaG (Bay) Encryption x Aurous

    CAREER 22 3-3-5

    EARNING $77,400

    WIN 14

    PLACE 50

Georgina Bourke News

Last Updated: 06/03/2025

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Georgina Bourke Next Race

  • Georgina Bourke has not been nominated for any upcoming race

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