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H B Tapper Trainer

H B Tapper Profile

H B Tapper is a horse trainer based in Timaru. H B Tapper has a win strike rate of 8% and a career ROI of -34.

H B Tapper Last 12 Months Racing Form

H B Tapper last 12 months's career form is 99 Starts, 8 wins, 8 seconds, 8 thirds.

H B Tapper has average win odds of 9 and an ROI of -28% over the last 12 months.

H B Tapper Current Season Racing Form

H B Tapper current season form is 73 Starts, 7 wins, 6 seconds, 7 thirds.

H B Tapper has average win odds of 7.71 and an ROI of -26% over the current season.

H B Tapper's overall Stats: Trainer Racing History

Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Win % Place % Avg Win Odds ROI
Last 12 Months 99 8 8 8 8% 24% 8.94 -28
Current Season 73 7 6 7 10% 27% 7.71 -26

H B Tapper's Results: Trainer Racing History

Here is a list of tracks where H B Tapper has raced in the past 12 months and the current season. The list shows performance by H B Tapper across all tracks.

Past 12 months

Track Starts 1st 2nd 3rd W% P% Avg Win Odds ROI
Ascot Park 5 1 - - 20% 20% $7.60 52%
Ashburton 12 2 - - 17% 17% $11.15 86%
Cromwell 3 - - 1 - 33% $4.20 -100%
Gore 3 - 1 - - 33% $3.10 -100%
Kurow 2 - - - - - - -100%
Oamaru 8 1 2 1 13% 50% $17.50 119%
Omakau 2 - - - - - - -100%
Phar Lap Raceway 24 3 1 2 13% 25% $3.50 -56%
Riccarton Park 28 1 3 4 4% 29% $13.60 -51%
Riccarton Park Synthetic 4 - - - - - - -100%
Riverton 5 - - 2 - 40% $2.00 -100%
Waimate 2 - - - - - - -100%
Wingatui 11 - 1 1 - 18% $4.20 -100%
Winton Nz 2 1 - - 50% 50% $2.00 -

This season

Track Starts 1st 2nd 3rd W% P% Avg Win Odds ROI
Ascot Park 5 1 - - 20% 20% $7.60 52%
Ashburton 10 2 - - 20% 20% $11.15 123%
Cromwell 3 - - 1 - 33% $6.70 -100%
Gore 3 - 1 - - 33% $3.10 -100%
Kurow 2 - - - - - - -100%
Oamaru 2 - 1 - - 50% $15.15 -100%
Phar Lap Raceway 19 3 - 2 16% 26% $3.50 -45%
Riccarton Park 23 1 3 4 4% 35% $13.60 -41%
Riccarton Park Synthetic 4 - - - - - - -100%
Waimate 2 - - - - - - -100%
Wingatui 7 - 1 1 - 29% $4.20 -100%
Winton Nz 2 1 - - 50% 50% $2.00 -

Here is a list of the top jockeys who have ridden for H B Tapper along with their stats over the last 12 months and the current season.

Past 12 months

Jockey Starts 1st 2nd 3rd W% P% Avg Win Odds ROI
G A Jogoo 1 - - - - - $2.00 -100%
D Chin 1 - - - - - $2.00 -100%
K Mudhoo 1 - - - - - $11.40 -100%
S L Wynne 9 1 2 1 11% 44% $4.20 -53%
S T Collett 1 - - - - - $1.57 -100%
A B Collett 1 1 - - 100% 100% $2.50 150%
D R Bothamley 1 - - - - - $8.00 -100%
R Cuneen 1 - - - - - $10.70 -100%
R J Bishop 1 - - - - - - -100%
K Chui 2 - - - - - - -100%
A K Chan 2 - - - - - - -100%
D A Hirini 2 - - - - - - -100%
K Selvan 1 - - - - - - -100%
T R Moseley 2 - - 1 - 50% - -100%
S Muniandy 1 - - - - - - -100%
R D Beeharry 11 1 - - 9% 9% $4.30 -61%
L Magorrian 1 - - - - - - -100%
D G Bradley 1 - - - - - - -100%
L J Allpress 1 - - - - - - -100%
L Kalychurun 1 - - - - - - -100%
C R Barnes 1 - - - - - $12.30 -100%
J R Lowry 1 - - - - - - -100%
A Comignaghi 13 2 - 3 15% 38% $10.55 62%
C W Johnson 1 - - - - - - -100%
Timothy Johnson 1 - - - - - - -100%
Ms K Cowan 1 - - - - - - -100%
Ms K Williams 1 1 - - 100% 100% $7.60 660%
S Toolooa 1 - - - - - - -100%
M Tanaka 1 - - - - - - -100%
S Saejorhor 1 - - - - - - -100%
C A Campbell 1 - 1 - - 100% - -100%
B C Morgenrood 1 - - - - - $39.40 -100%
C K Kwo 3 - 1 - - 33% - -100%
Dylan Turner 1 - - - - - - -100%
K Chowdhoory 1 - - - - - - -100%
S S Shinde 1 - - - - - - -100%
K Asano 2 - - 1 - 50% - -100%
L Callaway 1 - - - - - - -100%
T N Harris 1 - - - - - - -100%
Rohan Mudhoo 2 - - - - - - -100%
A Balloo 1 - - - - - $20.30 -100%
J J Fawcett 4 - - - - - $7.50 -100%
T D Thornton 1 - - - - - - -100%
S M Mc Kay 2 - - - - - - -100%
J D Laking 1 1 - - 100% 100% $12.80 1180%
Brandon May 2 - - 1 - 50% - -100%
Y Atchamah 2 - - - - - - -100%
K R Hercock 2 - - - - - - -100%
Roopesh Jaun 1 - - - - - - -100%
Denby Tait 3 - - - - - - -100%
Donovan Cooper 6 - - 1 - 17% $22.40 -100%
L T Hemi 4 - - - - - - -100%
K Bakker 6 1 1 - 17% 33% $17.50 192%
Teddy Ladouceur 25 2 3 3 8% 32% $8.20 -34%
C H Butler 1 - - - - - - -100%
Liam Riordan 1 - - - - - - -100%
K Stott 1 - - 1 - 100% - -100%
R T Elliot 1 - - - - - - -100%
Floor Moerman 1 - - - - - - -100%
L Sutherland 1 - - - - - - -100%
Billy Jacobson 4 1 1 - 25% 50% $4.60 15%

This season

Jockey Starts 1st 2nd 3rd W% P% Avg Win Odds ROI
G A Jogoo - - - - - - $2.00 -100%
D Chin - - - - - - - -100%
K Mudhoo - - - - - - $11.40 90%
S L Wynne 4 - 1 - - 25% $4.20 -100%
S T Collett - - - - - - $1.57 -100%
A B Collett - - - - - - $2.42 -19%
D R Bothamley - - - - - - $8.00 -100%
R Cuneen - - - - - - $10.70 -3%
R J Bishop - - - - - - - -100%
K Chui - - - - - - - -
A K Chan - - - - - - - -
D A Hirini - - - - - - - -
K Selvan - - - - - - - -100%
T R Moseley - - - - - - - -100%
S Muniandy - - - - - - - -100%
R D Beeharry 8 1 - - 13% 13% $4.30 -46%
L Magorrian - - - - - - - -100%
D G Bradley - - - - - - - -100%
L J Allpress - - - - - - - -100%
L Kalychurun - - - - - - - -
C R Barnes 1 - - - - - $12.30 -100%
J R Lowry - - - - - - - -100%
A Comignaghi 11 2 - 2 18% 36% $10.55 92%
C W Johnson - - - - - - - -100%
Timothy Johnson - - - - - - - -100%
Ms K Cowan - - - - - - - -100%
Ms K Williams 1 1 - - 100% 100% $7.60 660%
S Toolooa - - - - - - - -100%
M Tanaka 1 - - - - - - -100%
S Saejorhor - - - - - - - -100%
C A Campbell 1 - 1 - - 100% - -100%
B C Morgenrood - - - - - - $39.40 393%
C K Kwo - - - - - - - -100%
Dylan Turner - - - - - - - -100%
K Chowdhoory - - - - - - - -100%
S S Shinde - - - - - - - -100%
K Asano - - - - - - - -100%
L Callaway 1 - - - - - - -100%
T N Harris - - - - - - - -100%
Rohan Mudhoo - - - - - - - -100%
A Balloo - - - - - - $20.30 -100%
J J Fawcett 1 - - - - - $7.50 -100%
T D Thornton - - - - - - - -100%
S M Mc Kay - - - - - - - -100%
J D Laking 1 1 - - 100% 100% $12.80 1180%
Brandon May 2 - - 1 - 50% - -100%
Y Atchamah 2 - - - - - - -100%
K R Hercock 2 - - - - - - -100%
Roopesh Jaun 1 - - - - - - -100%
Denby Tait 3 - - - - - - -100%
Donovan Cooper 4 - - 1 - 25% $22.40 -100%
L T Hemi 1 - - - - - - -100%
K Bakker 2 - - - - - $17.50 -100%
Teddy Ladouceur 24 2 3 2 8% 29% $8.20 -32%
C H Butler 1 - - - - - - -100%
Liam Riordan 1 - - - - - - -100%
K Stott 1 - - 1 - 100% - -100%
R T Elliot 1 - - - - - - -100%
Floor Moerman 1 - - - - - - -100%
L Sutherland 1 - - - - - - -100%
Billy Jacobson 4 1 1 - 25% 50% $4.60 15%

Here is a list of the next races and the most recent results for H B Tapper

March 2025

  • Legend Beast Last Race: 05 March 2025, Riccarton Park R7

    5yoaG (Bay) Complacent x Diamond Babe

    CAREER 8 2-2-1

    EARNING $46,420

    WIN 25

    PLACE 63

  • Strong Last Race: 05 March 2025, Riccarton Park R6

    5yoaG (Brown) Highly Recommended x Dehere And There

    CAREER 17 2-1-1

    EARNING $35,370

    WIN 12

    PLACE 24

  • Our Clarry Last Race: 05 March 2025, Riccarton Park R4

    7yoaG (Grey or Chestnut) Natural Destiny x Charlene

    CAREER 57 6-6-6

    EARNING $115,995

    WIN 11

    PLACE 32

February 2025

  • Legend Beast Last Race: 23 February 2025, Ashburton R7

    5yoaG (Bay) Complacent x Diamond Babe

    CAREER 8 2-2-1

    EARNING $46,420

    WIN 25

    PLACE 63

  • Our Clarry Last Race: 19 February 2025, Riccarton Park R6

    7yoaG (Grey or Chestnut) Natural Destiny x Charlene

    CAREER 57 6-6-6

    EARNING $115,995

    WIN 11

    PLACE 32

  • Wintersun Last Race: 19 February 2025, Riccarton Park R5

    3yoaF (Bay) Jon Snow x Satanya

    CAREER 1 0-0-0

    EARNING $0

    WIN 0

    PLACE 0

  • Redford Last Race: 15 February 2025, Ascot Park R8

    10yoaG (Bay) Raise The Flag x Ruby Red

    CAREER 64 5-4-10

    EARNING $139,415

    WIN 8

    PLACE 30

  • Strong Last Race: 15 February 2025, Ascot Park R5

    5yoaG (Brown) Highly Recommended x Dehere And There

    CAREER 17 2-1-1

    EARNING $35,370

    WIN 12

    PLACE 24

  • Legend Beast Last Race: 08 February 2025, Wingatui R6

    5yoaG (Bay) Complacent x Diamond Babe

    CAREER 8 2-2-1

    EARNING $46,420

    WIN 25

    PLACE 63

  • Global Star Last Race: 08 February 2025, Wingatui R4

    8yoaM (Bay) Ghibellines x Biosphere

    CAREER 50 4-5-3

    EARNING $65,922

    WIN 8

    PLACE 24

  • Lifestyle Last Race: 08 February 2025, Wingatui R4

    5yoaM (Bay) Contributer x Deinira

    CAREER 9 1-0-0

    EARNING $12,710

    WIN 11

    PLACE 11

  • Our Clarry Last Race: 02 February 2025, Gore R4

    7yoaG (Grey or Chestnut) Natural Destiny x Charlene

    CAREER 57 6-6-6

    EARNING $115,995

    WIN 11

    PLACE 32

January 2025

  • Redford Last Race: 23 January 2025, Ascot Park R8

    10yoaG (Bay) Raise The Flag x Ruby Red

    CAREER 64 5-4-10

    EARNING $139,415

    WIN 8

    PLACE 30

  • Strong Last Race: 23 January 2025, Ascot Park R6

    5yoaG (Brown) Highly Recommended x Dehere And There

    CAREER 17 2-1-1

    EARNING $35,370

    WIN 12

    PLACE 24

  • Specialty Last Race: 18 January 2025, Wingatui R6

    5yoaG (Brown) Rip Van Winkle x Rio Tennille

    CAREER 16 3-1-0

    EARNING $154,690

    WIN 19

    PLACE 25

  • Redford Last Race: 15 January 2025, Riccarton Park R4

    10yoaG (Bay) Raise The Flag x Ruby Red

    CAREER 64 5-4-10

    EARNING $139,415

    WIN 8

    PLACE 30

December 2024

  • Redford Last Race: 30 December 2024, Kurow R10

    10yoaG (Bay) Raise The Flag x Ruby Red

    CAREER 64 5-4-10

    EARNING $139,415

    WIN 8

    PLACE 30

  • Natural Momentum Last Race: 30 December 2024, Kurow R10

    7yoaG (Grey or Black) Natural Destiny x Contrary

    CAREER 24 3-2-2

    EARNING $55,025

    WIN 13

    PLACE 29

  • Specialty Last Race: 30 December 2024, Kurow R9

    5yoaG (Brown) Rip Van Winkle x Rio Tennille

    CAREER 16 3-1-0

    EARNING $154,690

    WIN 19

    PLACE 25

  • Global Star Last Race: 30 December 2024, Kurow R8

    8yoaM (Bay) Ghibellines x Biosphere

    CAREER 50 4-5-3

    EARNING $65,922

    WIN 8

    PLACE 24

H B Tapper News

Last Updated: 05/03/2025

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H B Tapper Next Race

  • H B Tapper has not been nominated for any upcoming race

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