
is a horse trainer based in . has a win strike rate of % and a career ROI of .

Last 12 Months Racing Form

last 12 months's career form is Starts, wins, seconds, thirds.

has average win odds of and an ROI of % over the last 12 months.

Current Season Racing Form

current season form is Starts, wins, seconds, thirds.

has average win odds of and an ROI of % over the current season.

's overall Stats: Trainer Racing History

Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Win % Place % Avg Win Odds ROI
Last 12 Months % %
Current Season % %

's Results: Trainer Racing History

Here is a list of tracks where has raced in the past 12 months and the current season. The list shows performance by across all tracks.

Past 12 months

Track Starts 1st 2nd 3rd W% P% Avg Win Odds ROI

This season

Track Starts 1st 2nd 3rd W% P% Avg Win Odds ROI

Here is a list of the top jockeys who have ridden for along with their stats over the last 12 months and the current season.

Past 12 months

Jockey Starts 1st 2nd 3rd W% P% Avg Win Odds ROI

This season

Jockey Starts 1st 2nd 3rd W% P% Avg Win Odds ROI

Last Updated:

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