WHAT DO YOU KNOW?It's amazing how many unknowns carry public money.Significant money.Many thousands of dollars in fact.Here's a little test for us all:Go to an early website such as the RSB and look at the acceptances.Print them, then tick the ones you know.Go down the fields and run a decent texta highlighting pen through all the horses you don't immediately know.That's all.Except that, arguably, the ones you just texta'd are not backable, because you're depending on someone else to tell you wh


It's amazing how many unknowns carry public money.

Significant money.

Many thousands of dollars in fact.

Here's a little test for us all:

Go to an early website such as the RSB and look at the acceptances.

Print them, then tick the ones you know.

Go down the fields and run a decent texta highlighting pen through all the horses you don't immediately know.

That's all.

Except that, arguably, the ones you just texta'd are not backable, because you're depending on someone else to tell you what YOU should know.

I suggest you do this for a few weeks, file the decisions, and then look back and see what won what.

If unknowns won any of the races, ask how it came about that you didn't know them.

It might just sharpen your betting approach quite a lot.