JAMES Cummings hopes a resolution can be found to maintain his training partnership with his grandfather Bart Cummings, reports Racing Network.
Cummings issued a press statement this afternoon after Bart Cummings signalled earlier today that he would dissolve the partnership at the end of the month and train again in his own right from new stables at Hawkesbury from the start of 2014. In the statement James Cummings, who entered a partnership with Bart at the start of the current season, said he wished to continue working with his iconic grandfather.
He described it as a "family issue" that he hoped could be resolved. "As of now the Bart and James Cummings training partnership is in tact and we have an obligation to maintain our professional services to the loyal clients that support us," the statement said.
"I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to work with my grandfather and I sincerely trust we can resolve the issue to continue to work together in the future. This is the only public statement I will make on this matter at the current time and request everyone request the family's privacy as we work towards a resolution."
A third party yesterday contacted the ATC offices inquiring how the training partnership between grandfather and grandson could be terminated.
Bart Cummings lives exclusively at Prince's Farm about 10 minutes from Hawkesbury. James has been running the stables at Randwick.