How you manage your money is just as important as making your selections. A decent staking plan cn make the difference between profit and loss. This ebook encompasses many of the tried and tested classic staking methods.
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Insights into national thoroughbred racing for Monday 18 November 2024 to Sunday 24 November 2024. * There were 51 race meetings held ac...
There were 47 race meetings held across Australia last week with 3,198 horses competing in 340 races for a total prize money purse of $19,01...
There were 71 race meetings held across Australia last week with 4,512 horses competing in 499 races for a total prize money purse of $46,60...
Talented Queensland sprinter Swiss Ace could be a surprise Melbourne visitor for the Group One Lightning Stakes and Newmarket Handicap at Flemingto...
Lee Freedman is leaving his options open with promising young stayer Mount Everest.Freedman, who returned from the Gold Coast Magic Millions yearli...
Talented sprinter Burdekin Blues could have two stablemates as surprise companions on a trip to Melbourne for the Group One Newmarket Handicap at F...
Jeff Lloyd has answered a last-minute call from New Zealand trainer Murray Baker to ride Fully Fledged in the Group One Telegraph Handicap at Trent...
The autumn campaign of Golden Slipper hopeful Winter King is over, with the colt sent to the paddock with shin-soreness.The promising One Cool Cat ...
In this e-book, PPM editor Brian Blackwell and US expert Barry Meadow share their views on the fundamentals of handicapping. Meadow’s ideas come f...
There are many problems associated with beating the trifecta. Punters probably don’t realise the task they are taking on when they tackle this bet...
I am always advocating that you should have a betting bank, then one, two or three systems to follow. Each system needs its own betting bank. If y...
As racing becomes an ever harder game from which to profit at conservative level stakes, increasing numbers of punters are trying to devise 'fresh...
To start with, anyone wanting to win money consistently needs a bank. Even to win Lotto you need to be able to put aside a certain amount of money...
The hardest task in racing can be deciding how serious you are going to be in the year ahead. Most punters are “recreational” and they treat punt...
While the prospect of betting more than one horse in a race can look financially edifying, the reality is that it takes a rare astuteness to be ab...
Receive latest horse racing news, race previews and our hand picked selections.
Insights into national thoroughbred racing for Monday 18 November 2024 to Sunday 24 November 2024. * There were 51 race meetings held across Australia last week with 3,422 horses compe...
There were 47 race meetings held across Australia last week with 3,198 horses competing in 340 races for a total prize money purse of $19,011,500 .
There were 71 race meetings held across Australia last week with 4,512 horses competing in 499 races for a total prize money purse of $46,607,500 .
Talented Queensland sprinter Swiss Ace could be a surprise Melbourne visitor for the Group One Lightning Stakes and Newmarket Handicap at Flemington.Trainer Mick Mair expects to make a decision soo...
Lee Freedman is leaving his options open with promising young stayer Mount Everest.Freedman, who returned from the Gold Coast Magic Millions yearling sales on Monday, entered Mount Everest for the ...
Talented sprinter Burdekin Blues could have two stablemates as surprise companions on a trip to Melbourne for the Group One Newmarket Handicap at Flemington in March.Trainer Barry Baldwin is consid...
Jeff Lloyd has answered a last-minute call from New Zealand trainer Murray Baker to ride Fully Fledged in the Group One Telegraph Handicap at Trentham on Saturday.Lloyd and Baker enjoyed success wh...
The autumn campaign of Golden Slipper hopeful Winter King is over, with the colt sent to the paddock with shin-soreness.The promising One Cool Cat youngster, who was at $34 on Betchoice fixed odds ...
In this e-book, PPM editor Brian Blackwell and US expert Barry Meadow share their views on the fundamentals of handicapping. Meadow’s ideas come from his lifelong pursuit of profit in US racing. B...
There are many problems associated with beating the trifecta. Punters probably don’t realise the task they are taking on when they tackle this bet. Question 1: Can you predict the 1-2-3 finishing...
I am always advocating that you should have a betting bank, then one, two or three systems to follow. Each system needs its own betting bank. If your betting bank is $1000 for each, then you will ...
As racing becomes an ever harder game from which to profit at conservative level stakes, increasing numbers of punters are trying to devise 'fresh' ways to bet. They are the punters who, by carefu...
To start with, anyone wanting to win money consistently needs a bank. Even to win Lotto you need to be able to put aside a certain amount of money a week - and, of course, expect to lose the lot e...
The hardest task in racing can be deciding how serious you are going to be in the year ahead. Most punters are “recreational” and they treat punting like they would a game of golf – a challenge, ...
While the prospect of betting more than one horse in a race can look financially edifying, the reality is that it takes a rare astuteness to be able to make it pay, long term. It's been stated be...