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Product Totals
  • Torpedo $150
  • Torpedo Saturday Selection Email Service $75
Subtotals: $225
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Note for Existing Members:
If you are already a member but accessing this new website for the first time, you will need to RESET YOUR PASSWORD. Just click on this link and follow the instructions.
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I understand that this will entitle me to exclusive access, for a full 12 months, to the TORPEDO Horse Racing Method member’s area, password protected for members only - where the TORPEDO Horse Racing Method is applied to Saturday Metro meetings in Melbourne and then posted in the TORPEDO Members Only Tipping Area - where we do the selections for you. Plus the rules and formula to the TORPEDO Horse Racing Method for yours to keep and use forever.

YES! In addition, I also wish to receive the TORPEDO Saturday Selection Email Service. I understand for an extra fee ($75 for 12 months) you will email me the selections for every Saturday for 12 months.

As a valued subscriber, I understand that I will enjoy continuous service at the lowest possible renewal rate for automatic renewal every 12 months, unless I tell you to stop, with billing in advance of each renewal term. I authorise Practical Punting to charge my card, or other registered card as necessary to complete payment and I can cancel my automatic renewal at any time.

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