This is the second article in Richard Hartley Jnr's three part series on great staking plans. Last issue he introduced, the Rising One Per Cent Plan. Now Richard reveals details of the. Back-Up-Bank Plan.

When, we look at staking plans we like (a) the chance to win plenty and (b) the chance to minimise our losses! It's as simple as that.

No punter likes a staking approach that is too cautious. At the same time they are not keen on those plans which seem to risk too much. As I stated in my first article in this series, staking (or money management) has a fourfold aim - to increase, your dollar profits, to get you on a good longterm footing, to ensure you maintain accurate records and to ensure the size of each bet conforms with a long-term plan which suits your individual betting style.

The plan I am about to unveil was introduced to me some five years ago. It is a 'safety first' type of plan but it does allow you a lot of scope to make good profits, providing, of course, your selection strategy is a sound one.

It is called The Back-Up Bank and, as the name implies, it operates with two banks of money. I'll refer to them as Bank One and Bank Two, just to keep things simple! The banks can be any amount you like, but each is of the same amount.

Just for theoretical purposes, I'll assume that each bank is $1,000, making a total two-banks capital fund of $2,000. Of course, you can use any amount you like. I know most punters might pale at risking so much money (even, if they had it) and so, you can just pick your own amount. The basics of the plan remain the same.

You might decide on a bank of $100, or $200. It's up to you and the depth of your pockets and bank balance!


  1. You operate with two Banks.
  2. Bank One is $1,000. Bank Two is $1,000.
  3. You begin betting using Bank One, and betting 2 per cent of the Bank's highest point ($1,000 to begin with).
  4. After 5 losses you also begin betting with Bank Two, using 2.5 per cent of the Bank until Bank One shows a profit ($1,001 upwards).
  5. Once Bank One is in profit, operation on Bank Two is ceased until such time as Bank One again suffers 5 losses. Then Bank Two is brought into operation again.

These, are the essential elements of the Back-Up Plan. Let's suppose we had a situation where Bank One suffered 5 losses in a row. Using that $1,000 bank at 2 per cent bets we would have had 5 bets at $20, a loss of $100.

For the sixth bet, we again bet our $20 from Bank One, but we also bet 2.5 per cent of Bank Two, which is $25. So the total bet now is $45. Let's suppose the sixth bet lost. Bank One would now stand at $880, and Bank Two would stand at $975.

The seventh bet is again $45. You strike a 5/1 winner. Your return for Bank One is $20 at 5/1, or $120. Bank One then is lifted from $860 to $980, still $20 in the red. Bank Two, though, is now in profit with its bet of $25 at 5/1, returning $150. Bank Two's balance is now $1,100.

Because Bank One is still not in profit, we continue operation of both Banks. Bank One's bet for the eighth selection remains at $20 but Bank Two's bet increases to $28 (rounded off) which is 2.5 per cent of its new high point of $1,100.

If this eighth bet loses, the Bank One balance drops to $960 while Bank Two drops to $1072. For the ninth bet, Bank One bets its $20 again, while Bank Two maintains its $28 bet, making a total bet of $48.

If the ninth bet wins at, say, 4/1, the situation is that Bank One has leapt to $1040, a profit of $40, while Bank Two rises to $1,184, a profit of $184.

Because Bank One is now in profit to the tune of $40, we cease operations with Bank Two. It remains at $1,184 and we will only bring it into operation again if Bank One suffers 5 losses in a row. When it is brought back again (if it is, that is!) the bet will be 2.5 per cent of $1,184, making a bet of $30 (rounded off).

Betting on Bank One resumes with the next bet being 2 per cent of $1,040, which is $21 (rounded off). All betting is now on Bank One until such time as you strike 5 losers in a row. After that, Bank Two is brought into operation again.

As you can see, this is a neat little system which allows you a lot of flexibility. The operation of the second bank bolsters the game a lot and allows you the space needed to boost profitability and get your house back into order.

Let me know how you fare with this Back-Up-Bank system as I am always happy to hear from readers who test out the plans.

NEXT ISSUE: The final great staking plan - one that has won big money all over the world.

Click here to read Part 3.
Click here to read Part 1.

By Richard Hartley Jnr