Does Your Bookmaker Love You?This is a shorter blog.That's because I felt it might be time to call a spade a (ahem... fill in adjective) shovel.Does your bookie have good reason to feel very fond of you?Here are five statements. Try saying YES or NO to each.1. I wait eagerly for the Friday paper to arrive but I don't check the acceptances when they are available earlier in the week.2. I read the early Friday markets in the paper and I expect to get them on Saturday.3. I dive in and back short-pr

Does Your Bookmaker Love You?

This is a shorter blog.

That's because I felt it might be time to call a spade a (ahem... fill in adjective) shovel.

Does your bookie have good reason to feel very fond of you?

Here are five statements. Try saying YES or NO to each.

1. I wait eagerly for the Friday paper to arrive but I don't check the acceptances when they are available earlier in the week.

2. I read the early Friday markets in the paper and I expect to get them on Saturday.

3. I dive in and back short-priced favourites prepost with my bookmaker.

4. I have credit and I don't ever make a cash deposit unless I have to.

5. I don't know my bookie's payout limits on exotic bets.

ONE YES, just one, and you're in trouble. I'll leave it there, until you've had a think about that...

